Thursday, 20 March 2008

Its been a pretty mixed week.
I was due to do weights and a bike ride on Sat. But visitors and house tidying got in the way. Then late Sat night I said I would take their dog and ours out for a walk. Keeping an eye on the younger active dogs I failed to spot our old border terrier wandering off. Well she always comes back in about an hour. Five hours later at 5.30am I gave up waiting and searching and went to bed. My wife started searching in the morning and a local farm found her wandering on their lawn at lunch time. So for the early part of the week I was "dog" tired, arrhythmia sunday afternoon - Monday. Just a bummer got nothing done. Having found freedom the dog has tried the same trick each night since.
Finally got out on my bike yesterday. I was over collecting timber from an estate near Forres and this is a run I have wanted to do for ages. Over Dava Moor to Granton on Spey, down Speyside and back over to Forres from Knockando, 83k, 800 mtrs climbing 19.5 kph. It was just brilliant - even with my heart playing up - it cleared this morning in bed. At one point there were four buzzards circling, 2 curlews and several oyster catchers.
Today I got my weights done with no arrhythmias:
1 circuit of warm up exercises
Bent over Rowing 52k @ 5 5
Bench Press 52k @ 4 3
SL Dead Lift 92k @ 5 5
heals raise 92k @ 5 5
Squat Jump 52k@ 10
Press 13k @ 6 6
Lat raise 6k @ 6 6
front raise 6k @ 6 6
Abs 4 exercises 2 sets @ 25/20 2530 30
Morning pulse 59, blood pressure 116/68
9hrs sleep but I have not caught up yet.

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