Sunday, 4 October 2009

Paddle on the Findhorn

Had a good trip on the middle Findhorn. Lots of water, sunshine & good company with Juta, Vicky, Kirsty and Ricky. Thanks folks.

Arrhythmia started during night & took 3 flec and cleared within 3 hours. Not too bad but with a good sleep - about 9 hours - it was away again in the morning, I think as I woke. I believe a good sleep can leave the vagal system dominant and bring on the arrhythmia. I thought it cleared on the way to paddling so did not take any flec. Only it was a strong 140 as I got changed and persisted all the way on the river. I normally feel I know when it is settled but definately not this time. An arrhythmia is usually not too much of a problem while paddling. There are short bursts of effort followed by relxation so my body can rebuild. Sometimes I do need to take extra rest. The biggest effort was the walk back to the road where I hit 200 plus; not good.

Coffee and cake on the way home. Good for me, took 3 flex about 6.30 and back to nsr by 8pm, after a glass of wine (or 2). OK that is not good for the arrhythmia but it is good for me.

About 51 hours of arrhythmia this week counting today as 15 which is brilliant.

Findhorn was running about 0.6 or so on the guage, about medium. A good level as much higher I think would just wash out. As it was "dragons teeth" was just a wash through. Much higher and it would be an interesting run all the way from above Tomatin on the A9

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